Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean roundtable

Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean roundtable

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Paris)
Hotel Novotel


Launched at the end of 2023 to mobilize civil society and trigger outside the box approaches to ocean protection in the run-up to 3rd UN Ocean Conference (Nice, June 2025) the roundtable is the opportunity of a first stocktake and a discussion of next steps, little more than one year before the Nice conference.

This event will be co-facilitated by Rémi Parmentier, Coordinator of the Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean initiative and Loreley Picourt, Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform.

This session will cover: • A review and discussion of the proposals contained in the Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean e-book published on the website of the Monaco Ocean Week. • Civil society initiatives and outreach opportunities in the run-up to Nice, including linkages with Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean. • A review and discussion of the activities of the Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean initiative since it was launched in November 2023, and plans in the run-up to the 3rd UN Ocean Conference in Nice. • Next steps: content of the San José Addendum, a publication containing inputs from stakeholders with outside the box initiatives for ocean protection, which we will release at the Immersed in Change conference. This event is organised by the Government of Costa Rica (co-chair of the Nice Conference) on 7-8 June 2024, exactly one year before the 2025 UN Ocean Conference in Nice.

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