Mobilising businesses and innovation towards coastal resilience

Mobilising businesses and innovation towards coastal resilience

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Paris)
Hotel Novotel
private sectorcoastal resiliencepublic sector



Welcoming remarks : LORELEY PICOURT, Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform

Opening :

ASHOK ADICEAM, Deputy Ambassador Ocean, Head of International Mobilization UNOC 3,French Government

DAVID LAURENT, Director of Environmental Transformation, Entreprises pour l’Environnement

Round table 1 Providing solutions to the challenges of territorial planning for coastal adaptation

• BURCU KANBAL, Project Manager, Kuşadası Municipality, Turkey

• LAURENT NAUCHE, Managing Director, Civil Engineering, Division France, Vinci Construction

• MATHIEU KAYSER, Deputy Mayor of Biarritz, France

Round table 2 Public-private partnerships: Devising aligned and complementary adaptation strategies

• TYLLER WILLIAMSON, Mayor of Monterey, CA, USA

• FRÉDÉRIC BUSIN, Regional Delegate Provence-Alpes- Côte-d’Azur, EDF

• AURÉLIE FALLON SAINT-LO, Head of P&C underwriting and Business strategy for Climate and Sustainability, Axa Group

Closing remarks

• Lina HANSSON, Initiatives Coordinator, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation


Sea level rise (SLR) has accelerated during the 20th century and could exceed one metre by 2100 if GHG emissions are not sharply reduced. The effects of SLR, such as floods, saltwater intrusion, accelerated erosion, and land loss, have serious implications for coastal zones. As densely populated areas and critical economic hubs, coastal zones depend on the sustainable continuation of their activities, infrastructure, and lifelines, and any delayed or inappropriate action could trigger dramatic consequences. Indeed, while most future global GDP growth is centred around cities located in coastal regions, SLR could bring about annual damage forecasted to cost 9.3% of global GDP in 2100. It is critical to anticipate coastal adaptation throughout society and to mobilise the private sector in the design and deployment of ambitious and innovative adaptation solutions.


This event will bring together decision makers and businesses from a range of sectors (construction, utilities, energy, transportation) to share the challenges posed by SLR to their activities, discuss innovative approaches and cutting-edge practices, as well as required modalities to fast-track coastal adaptation.


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