Marine carbon dioxide removal: From blue carbon to ocean alkalinity enhancement
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The Ocean is a victim of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oxygen loss, resulting in severe consequences for marine ecosystems and the communities and societies who depend on them. But the Ocean, covering 70% of Earth’s surface, can also be a vital part of the solution and our ally to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This half day event will delve into the latest research on climate change impacts on the ocean and discuss potential ocean-based approaches to help address them, alongside imperative efforts to reduce emissions.
Moderated panel discussions with experts from science, economy, conservation, policy and business will debate the potential benefits and disadvantages of such measures, with a special focus on protecting and restoring blue carbon ecosystems (a nature-based approach) and on “ocean alkalinity enhancement”, the addition of alkaline materials to the sea with the goal to increase the ocean’s potential to absorb carbon (a technological approach).