Join forces to save Posidonia, following the path towards a sustainable financing mechanism at the UN Ocean Conference in 2025
The objective of this roundtable is to highlight concrete solutions to protect Posidonia oceanica as endemic habitat of the Mediterranean Sea, in order to disseminate the outcomes and lessons learned from the technical exchanges on how “Exploring Blue Carbon Financing Mechanisms to Protect Mediterranean Seagrass: The Case of Posidonia oceanica” organised in Marseille, in November 2023. A series of recommendations for innovating tools related to sustainable financing mechanisms maps out priorities for next steps and how to strengthen synergies.
The experts’ panel brings strategic support into the MPN Roadmap 2030 implementation, jointly with associated on-going Mediterranean initiatives aiming at Posidonia protection, as the MedFund, the Blue Carbon Accelerator Fund (BCAF – IUCN), the Mediterranean Blue Carbon initiative (WWF MMI), MedPAN and others. The roundtable will showcase existing successful financing mechanisms, approaches and good practices in seagrass protection and should Identify policy and governance frameworks to support sustainable financing models.